Saturday, November 8, 2014

The New Jungle Houseboat

The New Jungle Houseboat!
This fun house is only 50,000 gold, compared to the usual 100,000 gold you have to pay!
Lets start off with this patch of grass over the bridge, enough space to put a Pagoda or your pets.
Then we have this outside trading post area, to put some games or maybe even have a party!
On the inside we have a huge area for a winterbane or even a spiral cup!
On the second level you have two rooms and two stairs leading down to it from the first level. Think that's all? You're wrong!
See this wall on the left side of the first stairs? Well if you go into it.....

You find another level! Post a comment telling me what the box says under the stairs. (P.S it is not in this picture, it is under the stairs you take to get to the third level.)

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