Monday, November 10, 2014

Atlantean Bundle Now Online!

The Atlantean bundle is now online at!
The bundle includes...
Two Player Whale Mount
Atlantean Armor
Harpoon Weapon
Magic Fish Tank
1 Month or 5,000 Crowns
Are you going to get it? Post in the comments below!



Sunday, November 9, 2014

New Combat Idle

Combat Idle

If a player does not choose to cast a spell or pass in battle for 2 rounds, they will be considered idle. The 30 second countdown timer will not wait for idle players and will automatically pass their turn. Idle players will not be able to choose an action in combat until they choose to return to battle in the pop-up window.
What do you think? Do you think it is good or not? Post in the comments below!

New Equipment Sets!

Changing your gear for questing, boss battles, pvp or even pet training just got easier! The new Equipment Sets feature allows you to save and quickly switch between sets of equipped items.
  • To create an Equipment Set, equip the gear that you’d like to be a part of the set and click on the new “Equipment Sets” button at the bottom of your backpack window.
  • Choose “Create New” to create a new set using the items you are currently wearing. Name the set from a list of pre-made options and click “OK” to save.
  • Equipment Sets save your Hat, Robe, Boots, Wand, Athame, Amulet, Ring, Deck and Pet. Mounts are not saved in your Equipment Set.
  • You can save up to nine Equipment Sets.
  • To switch between your sets, open the Equipment Sets window and double click the set you’d like to wear or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + 1-9) associated with the set.
  • To delete an Equipment Set, just click “Remove Set,” and it will be removed from the list, while all the items still remain in your backpack. If you delete or sell an item that is currently in use in one of your Equipment Sets, the set will be removed from your list.

New Silver Chest Minigame!

In the release of the test realm, Wizard101 revealed the new minigame, Catch a Key!
This new minigame is good for players that are just bored with the usual shock-a-lock.
It looks like you are a hanger, and you move your mouse to put keys on your hanger.
My guess is the ice blocks damage you.
What do you think? Post in the comments below!

Shadow Enhanced Spells

Today I will be talking about Shadow Enhanced Spells!
These 7 new spells are AMAZING, so lets see what they do!
Glowbug Squall, Storm
5 normal pips, 1 shadow pip
70% accuracy, 1,220 damage to all
remove all blades
Mystic Colossus, Myth
5 normal pips, 1 shadow pip
80% accuracy, 880 damage to all
remove all shields
Gaze Of Fate, Balance
5 normal pips, 1 shadow pip
85% accuracy, 550 damage to one enemy
550 random school damage to one enemy
Call of Khrulhu, Death
5 normal pips, 1 shadow pip
85% accuracy, 1,100 damage to all enemies
heals half of damage to caster
Hungry Caterpillar, Life
5 normal pips, 1 shadow pip
90% accuracy, 950-1,150 damage to target
absorb 800 to self
Abdominal Weaver, Ice
5 normal pips, 1 shadow pip
80% accuracy, 950-1,150 damage to target
-75% shield to caster
Fire From Above, Fire
5 normal pips, 1 shadow pip
75% accuracy, 1,100-1,300 damage to target
3 25% fire traps on target

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The New Jungle Houseboat

The New Jungle Houseboat!
This fun house is only 50,000 gold, compared to the usual 100,000 gold you have to pay!
Lets start off with this patch of grass over the bridge, enough space to put a Pagoda or your pets.
Then we have this outside trading post area, to put some games or maybe even have a party!
On the inside we have a huge area for a winterbane or even a spiral cup!
On the second level you have two rooms and two stairs leading down to it from the first level. Think that's all? You're wrong!
See this wall on the left side of the first stairs? Well if you go into it.....

You find another level! Post a comment telling me what the box says under the stairs. (P.S it is not in this picture, it is under the stairs you take to get to the third level.)

Wizard101 Fishing Bundle

Look at this new bundle! Its the Wizard101 new Mystic Fishing Bundle, with a new pet, clothes, and private fishing retreat!
This is the new Otter Pet, Which is cuter than my dog!
The new private fishing retreat, and when you hit X on this....
It Teleports you to this magic secluded area, with tone of fish to catch! There is the new Rainbow Trout, which is a rare fish, and is in the bundle picture at the bottom of the boat!
This is the new mount, which Is currently on the Evergreen Bundle Estate!
This is the new gear, which gives you fishing luck and energy!
What do you think? Do you like it? (Credit to Wizard101 and Stars of the spiral!)

Wizard101 Skeleton Keys and Doors

The test realm is out, with all new pets, dungeons, drops, clothes, and more! Today I will be talking about Skeleton Keys and Doors!
These new dungeons are called Shangri-Baa, Barkingham Palace, House of Scales, and Castle Darkmoor!
Skeleton Doors are doors that have a boss or a chest in them. The bosses drop tremendous prizes, and I hear one of the bosses drop a permanent mount! The chest also give you prizes, and more keys!

Wooden Skeleton key, opens wooden skeleton lock
I give full credit to Duelist101, and if anyone has new info to add, please post a picture and comment below!

New Evergreen Bundle!

                            The new Evergreen Bundle is out,with clothes, pets, and a Huge house!
These are the new clothes, with now energy!
This is the new mount, and I think it's awesome!(credit to Duelist101 for these pictures)
New pet that can now may cast gardening spell "Pixie", and is called "Spirit of the Forest"(Also credit to Duelist101 for this picture)
And last but not least the house, which looks amazing! The blue-purple sky, with vines coming out of the sides! (Credit to Swordroll's Blog for this picture)
What do you think? Are you going to buy it?